You use the FILE | IMPORT PAYPACK option on the Job Timesheet Batch Control screen to import payroll data from Lewis Paypack. The standard way to interface with Lewis Paypack is to use the Lewis Paypack Job Costing optional module. This allows users to allocate the employee's time and allowances to specific job(s) when processing the payroll.
The latest Paypack Windows with Job Costing version has a facility for the user to specify the size of the job numbers, from 1 to 10 characters. The standard job number within Micronet Job Costing is made up of an optional two character job prefix then a six digit job number. It should also be noted that each job can have several stages and MJC has the capacity to break up the labour from Paypack into MJC job stages, but this must be specified within the MJC system parameters before you can use it. If you are going to use this option, your MJC stages need to be a maximum of two characters (if you are using job prefixes) or four characters (with no job prefixes), making the largest possible job number 10 characters. Typically, this would be something like DD123456SS where DD=Department job prefix, 123456=Job number and SS=Stage ID.
If you plan to use multiple stages within MJC jobs, you need to create a Paypack job number for each job/stage combination. For example, if you have a job number in MJC of SN100001 and there are four MJC jobs stages being D1=Data Cabling, P1=Power Cabling, L1=Lights and V1=Variation #1, then you need to create four jobs in Paypack as follows:
During the processing of your payroll, you can allocate employee time and allowances to one or many jobs as required. Once the payroll data has been entered, you need to print off your payslips and reports. During the processing of the reports, Paypack also creates an ASCII file (PAJFJOE.A99 where the suffix A99 represents company A and payroll year ending 1999). Typically, this file would contain data as follows:
1,PAY-PACK,22/06/99,Demonstration Version,
2,17/07/98,Pay Run Jobs by Employees
This file tells MJC where to post the data within MJC.
Technical Tip